Meeting Information and Materials

Health Disparities Council Meeting Materials

Health Disparities Council Meeting Materials

Date: Thursday, September 15, 2022
Location: This is a virtual meeting via Zoom Meetings. Access the meeting here through the Zoom Meeting linkYou can also dial in using your phone: Call in: 253-215-8782, Meeting ID: 827 0122 8785, Passcode: 0915

Sept. 15 Public Meeting Materials
Item #

Announcements and Council Business

Article from The Office of Management and Budget Launching New Public Listening Sessions on Federal Race and Ethnicity Standards Revision

Grounding Reproductive Health Access in a Reproductive Justice Framework

Memo on the Reproductive Justice Framework
Information Sheet on Abortion Rights in Washington
Presentation on Reproductive Health Access and Reproductive Justice Framework
Summary of the Reproductive Justice Framework & Status Update on 2019 Reproductive Health Access Recommendations


Public Comment

The Council's public comment statement
Letter received from Friends of Toppenish Creek


American Indian Health Commission

Presentation from the American Indian Health Commission


Washington State Public Health Association (WSPHA): Racism is a Public Health Crisis

Presentation from the WSPHA on Racism is a Public Health Crisis
Resolution and Action Strategies from the WSPHA

Implementing the WA State Pro-Equity Anti-Racism Plan & Playbook from Order 22-04


Re-envisioning our Future: Process for Recommending Updates to Council Statute

Presentation on Re-envisioning our Future


Comments, Feedback, and Reflections

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