“It’s an honor to be here today on Martin Luther King day,” said Christy Hoff, manager of the Governor’s Interagency Council on Health Disparities, as she addressed the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee on Monday in Olympia.
Hoff was joined by Caitlin Lang-Perez and Lindsay Herendeen, policy analysts for the State Board of Health. They shared with Legislators an overview of the Council’s work on promoting health equity in Washington and the findings of the Literature Review on Inequities in Reproductive Health Access report.
Substitute Senate Bill 6219 Reproductive Parity Act required the Council to conduct the literature review on disparities in access to reproductive health care and to propose recommendations to the legislature to reduce or eliminate inequities in access. Lang-Perez and Herendeen reviewed the scope and process of the literature review, gave an overview of the findings, and shared the recommendations to committee legislators.
Watch the presentation about the literature review on TVW (41:39 – 58:54). Learn more about the report by browsing materials from our December 6 public meeting and a presentation we delivered to members of the State Board of Health at their January 9 public meeting.